Tristan's Albulm

Tristan's Albulm

The Growing Bb...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Current Weight: 10.3 kg (24 Jan 2011)
Current Length: 85 cm (24 Jan 2011)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy 13 weeks

Well i'm in my last week of the 1st trimester.. so excited, esp after see the scan yesterday! There seems to be like things for me to do to prepare for the baby but right now, i just wan to chill out and enjoy my rest! hee hee =P

It's a flippin' Baby!

Look below! That's the second pic of my kid! Okay, not the best picture or what, can barely see what looks like a skull of sorts.

The actual ultrasound scan was so much better! Sheila was lying down and couldn't really see the tv monitor. I, on the other hand, had the best seat in the house. I even saw the baby take a slurp of her surroundings with her tongue (FYI: all babies are born as girls first. :P) So funny!

This baby is sure active as hell. Kept moving and flipping in Sheila's tummy, at almost 7cm big, I am surprised Sheila can't feel anything. I hope this is a sign that the kid will be sporty and active like her old man.

The scan was kinda nerve wrecking, with all the talk about down syndrome risks etc, I was really nervous and just prayed for the best. Thank god, initial results were good, now only the blood test results left.

I really look forward to the next scan in 4 weeks time. By then, I wonder if we will be able to tell if baby will be a girl or boy. I feel like I am the first guest at a grand feast, can only anticipate the mouth watering tastes and eagerly awaiting the food! It's already 13 weeks and time has passed quickly, but the thought of waiting another 23 weeks for baby to pop is driving me crazy! :P

Monday, March 30, 2009

Nuchal Translucency Down's Syndrome Screening

Today i went for my 2nd scan to see if my baby has the risk to be down syndrome. i was very excited to see the baby and didn't expect him to grow so much, double in fact.. he's now 67.4 mm wow! Saw him bouncing up and down non stop, waving his hands and even sticking out his tongue! so cute..

Doc measured the fluid behind his neck and it's 1.7mm which is normal. Anything below 2mm is normal.. Now i have to wait for the blood test that will be out in 2 days to confirm the risk.. so am keeping my fingers crossed. Will be seeing the doc next on 27 april...

If you are wondering what Nuchal Translucency Down's Syndrome Screening is.. pls read below

A nuchal translucency ultrasound measures the fluid at the back of a baby’s neck between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy.All babies have some fluid there, but babies with chromosome abnormalities such as Down syndrome, Trisomy 13, and Trisomy 18, tend to have an unusually high amount.

The most common explanation for a higher fluid level is some variation in normal development, but it can also indicate heart defects and certain rare genetic syndromes.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Samy's Curry

Today i actually wanted to eat the Tom Yam soup at Burlington sq but when we went there, it was SOLD OUT! Damn!

So after $2 of ERP and $3 parking, together with my darby's swollen foot, we decided to go to the civil service club at Serangoon road to eat Samy's Curry.. It was fantastic! We had Masala chicken (our favorite), curry squid, fried fish and lots of papadam! Best of all, we ta bao 2 chicken back for supper or lunch tomorrow. hee hee =P

Now i feel so bloated, so decided to go downstairs to ta bao coke lime for me and teh C gosong peng from darby but when my mom saw me drinking coke lime, she marched towards me, confiscated it and handed me a Ribena instead.. haiz.. "No coke until you finish confinement!" was what she told me... :( Bo bian, pregnant so better be good...

Friday, March 27, 2009

If the shoe fits

Cravings... Tiredness... Swollen feet... ZOMG!!! I am pregnant too!

Husband Pregnancy Syndrome is no myth and I am living proof.

I am a gym freak and I guess my body is my temple, yet these days, the temple seems to be getting really lazy and eating more "undesirables". I just finished 5 packs of kitkat 4 sticks in 2 days, craving for curry fish head and Carl's Junior Thick Burger.

Work is about the same yet, these past few weeks, I reach home to just plonk on the bed and would just wanna skip the bath and sleep til the next day. Considering I am a neat freak and bathe a minimum of 3 times a day, this just isn't me. Is it just age catching up? Seems that since turning 35, the cracks in the temple walls are coming fast and furious.

It's been 2 years plus since I had my gout attack. Out of the blue, I became bigfoot 2 days ago. Luckily, it is a minor attack this time and I am still able to walk (more like limp around). Strange considering that I haven't had much contact with beef or seafood. Good news for the lazy temple using this as an excuse to skip the morning workouts and torturous daily 5km cardio.

So! Husband Pregnancy Syndrome does exist and most of all... DARBY!!! GIVE BIRTH SOON!

Roller Coaster Ride

These couple of days have been bad for me.. I've been really stressed up with my work n also my bills. Sometimes i do feel useless for not being able to help much although i understand that now the most important thing in my life is to have a healthy and happy baby.

I do ask god, 'why now? is this a good time?' but i guess there's never a perfect time to have a baby. So well, if it's his will to let me have the baby now instead of any other time, he'll show me solutions to all my problems. I will have faith and believe in him! =D

I dedicate this song to those who are asking the same question too...

In His Time

In His time, in His time,
He makes all thing beautiful in His time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time.

In Your time, in Your time,
You make all thing beautiful in Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy 3 mths!

Hi baby, happy happy 3 mths old... so proud of you n also proud of me for surviving this far... lol Am happily pregnant, eating and sleeping. Darby has been a great help these few days with the house work n i am so lucky to have him.

Feeling really absent minded and worst of all, sometimes i find it difficult to add up... i can't do my maths now... hahahaha.. jia lets.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rainbow Connection

Ever since i found out that i was pregnant, my Darby treats me like a queen! I can really feel the LOVE oozing out of him. but there are some 'side effects'.. whenever i eat, he eats and whenever i sleep, he sleeps too.. hahaha he's having the pregnancy syndrome as well. lol

Didn't do much.. jus stayed at home and watch dvd, eat and sleep. I'm less stressful during these 3 days cos maybe i told darby abt the problems and stress i've been facing. I should have told him earlier but i was worried tat it might cause additional stress to him. Having the baby could add to the strain but i must stay positive that if God gave me this gift, he'll give me a way to solve all the problems that will come our way. I must have faith and be strong..

It was raining yesterday and i saw a rainbow jus above my flat. Felt so happy and blessed. i always believe that after every storm, there is always a rainbow. Even if there are times where we dun see the rainbow... it's always there in our hearts.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I wan PRATA!

I'm in love with prata now.. Something that i won't eat before i'm pregnant. i could now eat a whole prata with egg and finish the Gravy! Oh goodness..

Told my cousin Janet. It's nice telling people i love cos i know they'll be happy for me.. now at least i've got another person to share this joy with! I feel lucky everyday to have a little life growing inside me.. How are you doing today baby? hee hee

I'm hungry and need to eat again... Fish soup!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Family

If you are looking at the photo n wondering.. wow that's alot of cats.. than i think you'll be shocked that that's only abt half of what we have at home. We have a total of 18 cats.. but now only 17 cos Oliver just passed away today- he's the white cat that looking at the camera. i didn't know why i picked him up in the 1st place. I jus did and drove him home and after that he just lived with us and followed us back to Singapore with 4 other cats, Ashley, Telcum aka tua pui, Pumpkin and Pepper.

Oliver joined our family when we were staying at rivervale, a very run down appartment in Perth for 1 year before moving back to singapore. He has always been a cat that likes to keep to himself and some of his favopurite companion. Very strange looking and very very greedy. His last days were spent with Jumbo who was also very sick recently. I'm glad that he had a good life and pass away at home cos i really dun like my animals to die in the hospital.

We'll miss you Oli-bu....

* Happy 11 weeks old baby.... *

Can I have more porridge?

That was a line from the movie Oliver. Really old show.

Today, a 12 plus year old friend passed away. Oliver was his name and he came back to Singapore with me and the wife when we were returning from Australia. We are not really sure of his age as we found him hiding under our beetle car during a hail storm in Australia. And I never knew what compelled Sheila to bring him home. Maybe it was because he looked so much like Ashley (another white cat we have and the eldest of the felines) or he had an interesting pair of eyes, one green and one blue, or simply because he looked like some poor orphan called Oliver.

Oli-Pu-Pu... May you rest in peace and enjoy your new home in Heaven.

PS - I am not naming my kid Oliver. :|

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tired n bloated

Feeling extremely tired n bloated maybe becos of my sinus. I didn't really sleep well as my nose kept running. Had fried rice so now am feeling extremely bloated. My back is also aching so think will go rest early today.

Showed darby's family baby's photo today. Had lunch than came back to have my afternoon nap. Need to start planning and packing my room so to make room for the baby..


Family Day

I went to OLPS church today to attend the monthly family day service. I wan to set a good example for my baby so will try to attend service whenever i can.

I prayed to God to let me be a good wife and mother. I know motherhood will change me and i already can see some changes in me. It's no longer abt myself or how i'm feel and wat i like or dislike, but now it more abt make decisions for my family... My precious husband and my child or children in the future.

Having to go thru the Nuchal Translucency Down's Syndrome Screening on the 30 mar made me regret my decision of postponing becoming a mummy. why didn't i wan to have a baby earlier? Now i have to put darby n myself thru the anxiety of having to worry if our baby is going to be down syndrome. I worry abt the decisions we'll have to make if we find out my baby is down syndrome. Haiz...

I'll pray hard that the Lord will not take this precious little gift away... One that will complete our family.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Come to Pappa!

One of the best things when you are becoming a Dad is to tell people that you ARE going to be a dad!

After enduring tightly sealed lips lince learning of Darby's pregnancy, I can finally tell friends about the next most significant thing in my life... the first being my proposal to Darby, of course!

I think I am a creative person and being so... I wonder what's the most creative way I can tell friends and relatives about my approaching fatherhood. Hmmm...

"Hey guys, remember I told you that the first time I got drunk, I ended up with a girlfriend? The second time I got drunk, I married her? Anyway, I think it's time for that third drink... Cos in 6 months, I am gonna be a dad!"

Oh well, see what I can come up with on Monday. :D

Friday, March 13, 2009

Perfect 10

2 weeks ago, everything was going as everyday does. Gym, work, play, sleep. A daily cycle that I have grown into.

Today, I caught a glimpse of the little person made by Darby and myself.

10 weeks old.

10 fingers.

10 toes.

It's an amazing difference between knowing and seeing. The first time I saw the semblance of a head and body and small arms and feet... I actually teared up with an overwhelming sense of "feeling". No words can describe. A mix of pride, amazement, joy, worry, apprehension.

I can't help but stare at Darby's tummy and wonder how is that person doing today. See you in 6 and a half months, Kiddo!

Happy 10 Weeks & 4 Days Old!

Hey babe, you are 10 weeks n 4 days old! Just went for a check up today at Dr Yeoh's =P. So happy n excited. I saw the baby's arms moving , n he looked like he was dancing.. was so surprised that he's actually so big. He is 36.7mm from crown to his butt. Heard his heart beat too. It is really a very strange feeling to actually see the baby that is growing inside me. It's like seeing someone i've never met yet who seem to be really familiar to me. His estimated due date is 5 Oct 2009 which is just 1 day after my birthday.. hee hee =D

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Killer mani n pedi session

I went to do my nails yesterday. Something i enjoyed very very much in the past but yesterday was a killer session. It was 4 hrs long! most of the time being pampered 4hrs is a great luxury but not yesterday session. After the 1st hr, i sat there wondering when is this going to be over so that i can go home n nap. My back ache, my butt ache n my shoulder ache like crazy. I was jus dosing off on the chair. Jac did a fantastic job but she wanted to chat with me so much that a simple pedi took 3 hrs. After the 3rd hr, i was so exhusted that i jus couldn't go to lunch with her after that. lol

I know she was disappointed but i really couldn't take it any more. I jus had to come home to rest. darby was great, he massage my butt while i was washing the animals bowls. hee hee

Tomorro i will find out when i conceived. Really excited but at the same time worry. I worry that wat if Dr Yeoh scan me and couldn't find anything. Will everyone be disappointed? Esp darby? well i guess we'll know tomorrow... =D

Daddy's coming home soon!!!

After this weekend, I am going to make another useless vow of never to do another freelance again, I wanna spend more time with my wife and her tummy.

I want to make life as comfortable as I can for my Darby... Get a new maid, drop Herbalife for now and just concentrate of her pregnancy, be there as much as possible... It's ironic that to do most of these, I need to do freelance to supplement the additional help. Sheila says that I earn enough, but I am one to always be as prepared as possible. Having more is always better than less. And in these uncertain economic times... Who knows what might happen tomorrow?

Oh well, one hurdle at a time.

Tomorrow is the day when I find out more about that little person growing inside Sheila. Very excited! How long has this 3rd person been listening in on our pillow talk... 1 month? 2? 3 even? Is it too early to tell if baby's gonna like Transformers or Barbie? So many questions... Hope I don't stone at the doctors place and forget all of them.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I'm playing wow again with darby.. maybe i wan to spend more time with him so by playing wow at least we can spend more time together and do things together.. Other than wow, i dun know what we have in common already.

Well, i make a pretty lousy warlock, sometimes will drive my darby up the wall.. hee hee.. never mind, now it's 2 against 1 hopefully i'll play better with baby's help! =P

Friday, March 6, 2009

Mango Yogurt Smoothie

I'm so in love with the Mango Yogurt smoothie.. Yummy.. been drinking that lately. N i jus had Fish soup with milk. Can't find the actual one so Bo bian went to my house opp to get the fish soup n add milk.. Not the best but just as good. So strange, pregnancy changes the things you love to eat. Before being pregnant, i have a very sweet tooth but now, i'm more into salty food. N when i take sweet stuff, i tend to feel sick, i wonder why.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tired n Emo

Being tired n emo is really a bad combo. I feel pretty needy sometimes but in alot of ways i need to control how i react which in fact can be abit of a torture. i know my darby is working hard for us and he's doing his best to give me and my baby a good n comfortable life. But i do need him to.. I need him to talk to me but seeing him tired, i guess i will just have to manage some of this emo bits on my own.

Anyway it's a passing phase. It comes in waves so i'll just have to brave thru this wave n wait for it to subside.

I must stay positive n happy but being pregnant is really tough. everything is changing, my waistline, my dress size and even what i like n dun like to eat changes. having to cope with it is so over whelming sometimes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Out of Breath

i'm so out of breath now a days.. Jus doing house work takes up alot of my energy already. I feel like i ran a 2.4 km marathorn. Told my mom and dad yesterday. they r both happy for me esp my dad. I feel so loved now that i can explode. Comparing to alot of people i really belong to the lucky few to have so many people caring for me, doting on me and loving me.. My increadiblly loving husdand, now my parents and not forgetting the lady we bought my pregnancy kit to make me test, Tasha and my baby's god ma Kisane.

This made me think of those ladies on the other end of the scale where their husband or boyfriend and families who dun wan or dun support their pregnancy. It must really be hurtful and torturing. And there is another group of laides who despite all odds, gave birth to their babies.. How great motherhood is... And to some it is jus simply bad luck!

Goodluck or bad, i believe that i'm always the lucky one.. I wan to treasure what i have and give the best to my baby and my family.

Monday, March 2, 2009

How old r u?

I kept wondering how old is my baby now.. but i will only find out on Mar 13 when i see Dr yeoh. been unable to sleep very well at night so in the day, i really need to take a nap. Darby has been very busy with work lately so i try to be a good wife by not being unreasonable or have any of my mood swings. But generally, now a days i've been pretty happy and stress free.

I want to be stress free cos i know i have a lucky baby. I want to be a pretty and happy mommy cos i wan a happy baby too. Yeah! =P

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Greedy Me!

I've been so greedy. It's a wonder wat pregnancy can do to ur appetite! I've been eating and eating and eating! hee hee

It's really wonderful being pregnant! my husband is like a new man! so attentive, so loving and so understanding! This makes me want to be pregnant more often! I really love to be pampered and loved by him.. thanks Darby.... I Love you too!